Thursday, March 20, 2014

U. S. Presidents From Our Past

This week let's explore the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt with the book Who Is Franklin Roosevelt? by: Margaret Frith.

Who Was Franklin Roosevelt? (Who Was...?) (Hardcover) ~ Margaret... Cover Art

First, let me answer the question from the title of this book. Franklin Roosevelt was the thirty-second President of the United States of America.  Who was Franklin Roosevelt? is a biography, and tells Franklin Roosevelt's life story from childhood to death.  Who was Franklin Roosevelt? divides major events of his life into chapters.  This book is written in a kid friendly text, and has several  illustrations.  Who was Franklin Roosevelt?  aligns well with third grade Social Studies standards, and can be a resource for teachers and students.

Click below to take a look inside the book!

Who was Franklin Roosevelt? has a table of contents, timelines, maps, and a bibliography that features other books of the same topic that are suitable for children. This book takes an in depth look at Roosevelt's childhood, education, previous job experiences before Presidency, personal struggles and perseverance with polio, and his leadership through The Great Depression and World War II.  Who was Franklin Roosevelt? also describes the New Deal and his Fireside chats.  Also found in Who was Franklin Roosevelt? is how he meet his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt and their family.   

"I personally enjoyed reading this book.  I found the information engaging and interesting.  Throughout the book I saw illustrations that enriched the content of the text.   I would definitely use this book in a third grade classroom while teaching the Social Studies standard SS3H2.  The cover of the book displays a caricature of Franklin Roosevelt that is appealing to students. 

 My favorite quote from Who was Franklin Roosevelt? is from one of his fireside chats after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  He said, 'It will not only be a long war, it will be a hard war.  We are going to win the war, and we are going to win the peace that follows.'  This book personifies Roosevelt's leadership qualities, and how he inspired the Americans to work together to win World War II.  I think his inspiration helped the "Greatest Generation" become the greatest.

I also believe that Roosevelt's positive disposition inspired Americans.  Americans took notice of how Roosevelt overcame personal obstacles in his life (polio), and his positive attitude spread among Americans.  People really loved Franklin Roosevelt, and relied on his leadership. On the first page of Who was Franklin Roosevelt?, a soldier was quoted after learning of his death. The soldier said, 'I felt as if I knew him.  I felt as if he knew me- and I felt as if liked me.'  These words are a powerful testimony of the character, leadership, and Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt." Heather Coleman

"This book is an exciting biography of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and written in a way that young children can enjoy. I really like the timeline that is located in the back of the book, and a list of other books in this series.  Who was Franklin Roosevelt? is filled with information that can inspire students to never give up on their dreams. For example, despite the odds of battling polio, Franklin Roosevelt was still able to lead the country through the Great Depression and into World War II. In Chapter 6 Roosevelt quoted, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' During the Depression, Franklin was willing to experiment new ideas. If something did not work, he would try something else." Cassandra Lewis

To learn more about Franklin D. Roosevelt, follow this link to his Presidential Library and Museum.

Third Grade Social Studies Standards:

SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of Americans who expanded people’s 
rights and freedoms in a democracy. 
a.  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
(New Deal and World War II)
b. Explain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles that these historical figures had 
to overcome and describe how they overcame them. 


  1. I would use the book in my classroom as a trivia game with my students. I would have a bunck facts about Rossevelt and Past Presidents and the studnets would have to guess the right President. After the game I would have the students make a timeline of Roosevelt life-Awesome Job...Nikki Revell

  2. I love the "Who was...?" series! I have gotten several of them for my future classroom. They are a great beginners biography. They are also a great way to explain how to use non-fiction books. I could certainly see myself using this book in my classroom. It would be a great way to introduce kids to this series.

  3. I think this is a great book to use in the classroom when introducing President Roosevelt. He is a very important figure in History, and we even have his "little white house" right here in GA! I like that the book personifies him for the students as well.
